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Costa Rica Beethoven 哥斯達黎加貝多芬 (精品豆)


Specialty bean 精品豆

Roasted: Medium-light Roasted 淺中焙

Favor: Sweet fruity notes, crisp floral hints, and a citrus peel aroma 水果甜美、花香以及柑橘皮的香氣

Origin: Costa Rica Tarrazu 哥斯達黎加塔拉祖

Processing: Enzyme washed 酵素水洗

Coffee Studio 烘焙師制作

貨號: 不提供 分類:




The Costa Rica Beethoven Washed coffee beans come from the Canet farm in the Tarrazu region of Costa Rica. These beans undergo an enzyme-washed process, which helps to enhance their flavor and aroma.

The flavor profile of this coffee includes sweet fruity notes, crisp floral hints, and a citrus peel aroma. The beans are typically medium-light roasted to preserve their delicate and vibrant flavors.


200克 gram, 100克 gram, 1磅 LB, 手沖包 Drip bag

Grand size

原豆 Whole Bean, 磨粉-意式 powder for Espresso, 磨粉-手沖 powder for Hand Drip, 8包 bag (15克 gram)



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