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Yirgacheffe G2 耶加雪夫II


Roasted: Medium Roasted 中焙

Favor: Blackberry, floral aromas, citrus, and longan tea 黑莓、花香、柑橘、龍眼茶的香氣

Origin: Ethiopia Yirgacheffe 埃塞俄比亞耶加雪夫

Processing: Washed 水洗

Coffee Studio 烘焙師制作

貨號: 不提供 分類:

發掘埃塞俄比亞耶加雪夫洗滌咖啡豆的獨特風味。這些豆子來自埃塞俄比亞著名的 Yirgacheffe 地區,生長在 1,850 到 2,100 米的高海拔地區。G2 等級意味著高品質且瑕疵少的豆子。經過精心洗滌處理,這些咖啡豆展現出黑莓、花香、柑橘、龍眼茶的美妙香氣,並帶來清新而複雜的咖啡體驗。


Discover the unique flavors of Ethiopia Yirgacheffe G2 washed coffee beans. These beans hail from the renowned Yirgacheffe region in Ethiopia, thriving at altitudes of 1,850 to 2,100 meters. The second grade signifies high-quality beans with limited defects. Expertly washed, these beans reveal delightful notes of blackberry, floral aromas, citrus, and longan tea. The result is a clean, vibrant, and complex cup that elevates your coffee experience.


200克 gram, 100克 gram, 1磅 LB, 手沖包 Drip bag

Grand size

原豆 Whole Bean, 磨粉-意式 powder for Espresso, 磨粉-手沖 powder for Hand Drip, 8包 bag (15克 gram)



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